Pueblo Power Plant ~ Rounding the Corner
I am wondering if everyone might start to consider a different name for our power plant. I had in mind The Victoria Street Station in an attempt to brand it differently.
Above is the southeast entrance. This was difficult in that there is no blueprint to show the profile changes. I worked off a photograph together with the print to scale this illustration.
I wish I had more time to put the older blueprint up against this. There used to be a massive swinging double-door on the eastern portion. I wonder what ever happened to it or if it was in the newspaper whenever it was installed or taken down. Maybe it's on the old micro-films at the library. I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask some historian.
My last export is a bit of creative outline manipulation to put the cross-sectional drawing with the two cranes in their approximate places. One is a fifty ton crane and the other is a twenty. They are Niles Cranes, so I wonder if the character from the sit-com "Frasier" was taken from this little bit of trivia.
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